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Company Name Edison International Ticker Symbol EIX

 Address 2244 Walnut Grove Ave.
Rosemead, CA 91770
United States
Email N/A Phone 1-626-302-2222
Website www.edisonx.com Fax 1-626-302-2517

Business Information

The group's principal activity is to provide energy related products and services through its subsidiaries. The group is an electric power generator, distributor and structured finance provider. The subsidiaries are: southern California edison company (sce) is a public utility which is into the business of supplying electric energy to a 50,000-square-mile area of central, coastal and southern California. Edison mission energy (eme) is an independent power producer, which is into the business of owning or leasing and operating electric power generation facilities worldwide. Edison capital has investments worldwide in energy and infrastructure projects, including power generation, electric transmission and distribution, transportation and telecommunications. It operates through three segments: an electric utility segment, a nonutility power generation segment and a financial services provider segment.

Executive Information
Name Title Email
John BrysonChmn., CEO, Pres. N/A
Theodore CraverChmn., CEO, Pres. - Edison Mission Group N/A
Jim ScilacciCFO, Sr. VP - Edison Mission Group, EMG N/A
Mahvash YazdiSr. VP - Business Integration, CIO N/A
Thomas NoonanCFO, Sr. VP - Southern California Edison N/A

Financial Information  ( All figures in $ '000 )
Year Sales Net Income
2006 12,622,0001,181,000
2005 11,852,0001,137,000
2004 10,199,000916,000

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